Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 8th January 2018 at 2pm

Present :       Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith- Secretary
Mike Pitchford – Treasurer
Gaynor Richards
Bob Hickson
Peter Illes
Phyl Woodman
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)


1. Apologies Ron Kidson and David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC)

2. Minutes of Meeting of 4th December 2017 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.MP reported receipt of £200 grant from Veolia for daffodil bulbs. A/c Balance is £2,434,79

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Village Entrances Scheme.
Kingswood Rd/A41
MP and PW reported that neither Anne Breakwell nor any of her staff had answered requests to complete the grass cutting at this site.

b) Eyesores.
BH will speak to a SC member of staff based in Bridgnorth who had promised assistance in dealing with eyesores when funds became available in the SC new financial year 2018/2019.
Alb PC Clerk had arranged for Terry to carry out some cleaning of street signs.

c) Questionnaire re SC’s proposal to charge 30p/hr for the Crown Car Park
No news on the outcome. [Post Meeting Note: SC had announced that their Report recommended that no parking fees be charged. This Report is to be discussed by SC w/c15 Jan]

d) East of Shaw Lane Development – the  meeting is yet to take place soon with Ian Kilby and Richard Fortune of SC.
PW understood that Jessup have submitted a revised Planning Application, but this still included the traffic access to and from Shaw Lane.
PW/RS/MP and Malcolm Pate are meeting MP Mark Pritchard on 26th January and this is one of the items on the agenda
RS reported that Alb PC had received a reply from Severn Trent which said that a) Severn Trent is not s statutory consultee and b) that they had not approved the Jessup proposal as they need further information to review the matter.

e)  The revised Albrighton Village Plan – PW said that the Clerk had added comments regarding the need for a review of traffic matters to the Plan.



5. Matters arising
a) Albrighton leaflet revision etc.
GR noted there were two main options:- i) a single leaflet which included adverts by local businesses but this was not accepted by several local attractions or ii) a main leaflet as in i) but without adverts and a separate simple black and white leaflet which did list all local businesses. The two leaflets in ii) complimented each other and where an attraction did not accept adverts just the one leaflet could be used there.
The advert leaflet is the one most likely to need regular updating as businesses changed and this simple leaflet more easily lent itself to that.
The general feeling was that the bulk of the information in the previous leaflet which focussed on the local landmarks and historical features was not out of date and that it would be easier to re-issue that after some minor updating. ACTION:GR to locate the very latest version of the main leaflet and to see if the artwork etc was available.

b) Audio Equipment.  MP reported that he had received a grant of £672 for audio equipment.  MP had received one quotation for equipment but it was more than £1000 but would circulate it for information, however he felt that quotes from other companies should be obtained. RS suggested that, if possible, it would be safer to try to find a supplier who could also review the venue and recommend suitable equipment and then also set it up to make sure it worked as required.

c) Community Chest. (Dr Perry had mentioned this to PI)
ACTION:PW would discuss the possibility of ADCS being a candidate for Community Chest donations with Dr. Bradley

6. AOB
a)  Adopt a Station Scheme
MP reported that 6 planters had been installed

b) Albrighton Swimming Pool and FASP Lottery
MP reported that David Bradley had suggested that the Civic Society organise an “Albrighton Society Day” where all the many organisations and clubs could have a stall, perhaps in the Red House, to let residents know what they have on offer. This was felt to be a good idea and ADCS should explore this and see if local organisations were interested. ACTION:PW would tell David that ADCS agreed to his proposal and ask David if he would be lead organiser acting for ADCS.
ACTION:RS to ask Shaun, our webmaster, for a digital version of the current list of Voluntary Organisations on our website. We would then a) update the list for the website and b) use it to contact clubs re the proposed Society Day


Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 5th February 2018 at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 5th March 2018.

Next Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 8th October 2018

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October